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Cross Words


 Mark 15: 1-39

This morning, in this chapter we come to that which Mark has been leading us to since the second chapter.

 You have 5 consecutive conflict stories that end in chapter 3:6 with the statement that the “Pharisees and the Herodians began to counsel as to how they might destroy Him.”

 You see, from early on Mark has indicated to us that Jesus was going to die.

And today, we finally get to what Mark has been leading us too.

I think there may be two reasons for that.

This morning, as we go through this passage, we are not going to examine every detail.

When you get to verse 10 the Jews have brought Jesus to the Roman procurator, Pilate.

And that is the irony here.

But notice what Pilate knows about this situation in verse 10.

And Pilate knew that.

Pilate just didn’t realize HOW jealous they were!

You see, Pilate didn’t realize how much people desire power and influence.

Now look at the phrase found in verse 15. It says that Pilate was “wishing to satisfy the multitude.”

And so what Mark has done is he has shown us that Jesus is led to his death, not just by the Jews…but also by the Romans.

Why? What crimes was Jesus guilty of?

Notice verses 16-21. What happens to Jesus in these verses is brutal.

And they mock Him as King…and they keep beating Him with reeds…and spitting on him.

And you would think that by now they would have all had their fill of being so cruel and inhumane toward Jesus.

 And those men who mocked Him and said, “You saved others, but you can’t save yourself”, just didn’t realize that He could save others….and He could have saved Himself.

And then what happens next is hard to imagine. Vs. 33 says that “about the 6th hour darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth hour.”

Jesus cries out, “Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani?”

It wasn’t so much the pain of the cross that made Him cry out.

God departed from Jesus so that He would never have to depart from you.

And that is why we should lift up the cross.

Notice now verse 38. Another strange thing happens. Just as Jesus breaths His last and dies, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

Now notice verse 39. Here in this verse a Roman soldier, standing right in front of Jesus sees Jesus breath His last, and then he says what Mark has been telling us all along.

He calls Him the “Son of God.”

No one else calls Him that until this centurion does here in verse 39.

This centurion expresses what this gospel has been saying all alone.

 They thought when they killed Jesus that they would stop His message.

Have you heard the cross today?

There were three crosses that day.

On the right there was another man.

Because on that cross in the middle was man who had no sin in Him…but who had all sin ON Him.

Jesus died on the cross, “forsaken by God” so that you would never have too.