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Clear Choices


Matthew 6: 19-24

I want to begin with a simple little exercise…you don’t have to answer out loud…

Look at the passage that was read again…in vs. 19 and 20 there are two choices: treasures on earth and treasures in heaven.

Well, we don’t have to wonder because Jesus tells us what to choose. Look at vs. 19 and 20 again. Jesus says:  “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth,

But look at the other choice…the other option: “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…”

 Now, when Jesus speaks of “treasures in heaven” what is He talking about?

Now look at the second set of choices found in verses 22-23: a clear (or sound eye) or a bad eye.

Well look at what Jesus says.  Jesus says, “If your eye is clear…if your eye is focused on Christ…if your eye is focused on heaven…then your whole body will be full of light!”

“But if your eye is bad…if your eye focusses on the things of this world…the wicked pleasures of this world…the values and ideas of this world…your bad eye will plunge you into a darkness that Jesus says “is great!”

You do not have to wonder about which one to choose…or which one is best…Jesus tells us…the only question is “will you listen to Him?”

Look at the next two choices found in verse 24: God or mammon.

Now, look at verses 25-34. It is a shame that this passage is so often separated from the previous verses.

In other words, what did Jesus tell us to do in verse 20: “Lay up your treasures in heaven.”

What does He tell us to do in verse 22: “Have a clear eye”…focus on Christ…focus on heaven.”

And what does He tell us to do in verse 24: “Serve God.”

But if we choose to lay up our treasures here on earth, if we choose to have a bad eye, if we choose to serve mammon instead of God…then what are we going to do in verse 25: Be anxious…worry…worry about life…worry about what you are going to eat…worry about what you are going to drink…worry about what you will wear…

So, which will you choose: to lay up treasures here on earth….or to lay up treasures in heaven?