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Aint It Amazing


1 John 3:1-3

How many of you know what “language of amazement” is?

Well, that is how John begins this chapter. Look at verse 1. John says: “See how great a love…”

And where John says, “How great a love…or what manner of love” that is the Greek word “potapos” and it has behind it the idea of “something amazing.”

But there something more to be amazed about…look what he says next; “See (give deep consideration to)…the great (amazing) love…the Father…has bestowed

And look at the next phrase…this great love was “bestowed” by the Father…upon us!

In and of ourselves we aren’t righteous people…we were sinners and we still are sinners…and yet Christ died for us.

But there is more…look at what else John says: “See…give deep consideration to…the great or amazing love…the Father…has bestowed or given upon us…that we should be called children of God;

So what you have here in this one verse is “amazing love…an amazing gift…and amazing status.”

Now, I want you to look at that last statement where John says “that we should be called children of God.”

Remember why John is writing this letter?

In fact, look at the end of verse 1: For this reason the world (Gnostics) does not know us, because it did not know Him.

 A lot of people claim to be…and maybe that is why we sometimes don’t fully appreciate the amazing status that we have….this has been trivialized.

But for those who do walk in the light…who do have the love of God in them…who do keep His commandments…who do love one another…who do let the word abide in them…who love the Father and not the world…who recognize the deity, the humanity, and the Messiah-ship of Christ…you are…you can be sure…that you are a child of God.

John writes this to refute the Gnostics…and to remind us of the amazing lovethe amazing gift…and the amazing status that we have.

Now, look at verse 2 again. John says, “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be.

I will tell you…remember the Gnostics…some of them had come up with all different kinds of ideas.

But John refutes that. He says, “We are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be.”

And John says, in the here and now we are “children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be.”

What we do know, because of the word of God…we will be like Him.

Scripture does not attempt to define “what we shall be.”

And now, go back to 1 John 3: 3 and look at this very important verse…because this verse tells us a lot about how we are to be and live.

3 And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him(no one else…no thing else) purifies himself, just as He is pure.

Why do you think John says this?

What has John taught us?