Problems Problems Problems
James 1: 2-8; 12-15
I would like to begin by asking you to look at verse 2 again.
- This verse addresses in just a few words what I believe is perhaps the greatest misconception about life that people have.
- Look what James says. He says: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials…”
Notice James says, “When” and not “if” you encounter various trials.
- No one is immune!
- And this seems to be something that we do not understand about life.
- We somehow have it in our minds that life is supposed to be problem free.
- And when something does happen…when some trial does come into our lives…we want to know why?
- “Why did this happen to me?”
- “This isn’t fair…I am a Christian and God shouldn’t allow this to happen.”
Listen, things are going to happen! Trials, tribulations, heartaches, disappointments, frustrations, and tragedies are going to happen.
- In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul says that these bodies are “mortal…corruptible.”
- That means that things are going to go wrong with them.
- They are going to age…and with age goes the eye site…the earing…the teeth.
- Bones get brittle…muscles get weaker…and some day…this body is going to lay down and die!
Does that mean that God doesn’t care…or that God is unfair…or that you have done something wrong and God is punishing you?
- No…it just means that is the nature of a perishable…corruptible body.
And in many ways we ought to be glad that things happen to these bodies to make them die.
- Because you cannot get to heaven in this body…and if it doesn’t get sick…or old and die…you cannot get to heaven.
- When this body starts aging…and starts having things go wrong with it…instead of questioning God…what we should do is say, “it is a part of the journey…going home is getting closer…and I am getting ready” or “I need to get ready.”
Another reason trials and tribulations come up is people. Look at verse 1 again.
- James is writing to the “twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad.”
- Now, the reason these people are “dispersed abroad” is because some one didn’t like what they were doing, didn’t like what they believed, and started persecuting them.
Other people can cause us to suffer trials and tribulations.
- They accidentally cross the center line and our son or daughter is injured in a car wreck.
- They hit us when we are trying to catch a football and break our leg.
- They sneeze and cause us to get sick.
- As long as there are people…and people are moving around…especially as fast as we move today.
- Things are going to happen.
And things are going to happen because of sin.
- Sin always has it consequences…and those consequences do not always affect the one who commits the sin.
- It can affect others.
- And because all have sinned…the consequences of sin in this life is going to cause some of us to go through trials and struggles.
You see, trials…tribulations…are a part of living.
- They are going to happen…and for us to have this idea that life is supposed to be trial free is simply wrong and a misunderstanding.
- The fact of the matter is, you will have very few days in life, if any, that are completely trouble free.
So, what do you do when you are faced with these trials…these tests of your faith.
- Or, as James says in verse 13…”the temptations that we face.”
And don’t forget that. In vs. 2, James calls them “trials.” Look at verse 12 and 13.
- In verse 12 James says, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial…”
- In verse 13 he says, “Let no one say when he is tempted…”
- The word “trial” here in verse 2…and verse 12…and the word “temptation” in verse 13…all come from the same Greek word.
And what we need to realize is…with every trial…comes a temptation…and with every temptation comes a trial.
- With every trial or temptation Satan wants you to fall; he wants you to “curse God and die.”
- And yet, with every trial or temptation God is allowing you an opportunity to prove your faith in Him and not give in to Satan’s desires.
So, what do you do when you are faced with trials…or temptations? How do you over come them? How do you turn your trials into victory instead of defeat?
Well, look at verse 2 again. James says: “Consider it all joy…when you encounter various trials…”
Now verse 3: “knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”
Whether your trials become temptations which cause you to fall…or tests which results in victory…depends on how you see that trial or temptation in your mind.
- James says in vs. 2 : “Consider…or count…reckon.”
- In other words, “Think…deem”
Mentally, see your trials…as a cause for joy.
- …knowing…in your mind… that your testing or proving produces endurance or steadfastness.
Don’t look at your problems the way others who are in the world look at their problems.
- See your trials as a benefit to you.
Your trials…test or prove your faith…as being genuine and that genuineness produces endurance…or steadfastness.
- They make you stronger.
- They produce greater loyalty and fidelity to God.
- They make your more determined to obtain your eternal reward…and eternal place with God “where there are no more tears, no more dying.”
- Those trials cause us to long for heaven.
- More determined to endure.
And in verse 4, when you let steadfastness have its complete result…
- As you are tested and endure and tested and endure.
- Your endurance, your steadfastness results in you being mature spiritually…being complete…lacking in nothing.
Whether a trial or a test defeats you or results in a victory for you…all depends on how you see that trial or test.
- A right perspective will give you joy even in the face of trials.
Now, when you encounter trials or temptations that test or prove your faith, it can be difficult to know what decisions to make.
- When the pressure is on…when things are falling apart…when your world seems to be crumbling things can be very confusing…and it is hard to know what the right thing is to do.
- Often in a crisis situation you will hear people say: “What do I do? “
In a time of trial wisdom is critical.
- And therefore, to keep a time of trial or temptation from being a defeat…and turn it into triumph you must do what James says in verse 5.
5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
- But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
No one can overestimate the value of prayer in the face of trials.
- James says “ask of God…and God will give it to you.”
So where does this wisdom come from? How does God give it to you.
- Perhaps it is a providential discernment that God gives to you.
- Some how God helps you…or leads you to make a right decision.
I don’t know all the ways that God bestows wisdom upon us.
- Could be through the influence of someone else.
- I don’t know all the ways that God gives wisdom to us.
But there is one way I know he gives us wisdom for sure.
- Here (Bible) is a wealth of God’s wisdom…and in times of trial…or temptation we can ask God for wisdom.
- And through this He will give it to us.
- In here you will find answers…and guidance…and strength…and reason…and purpose.
But now, notice verse 6. James says when you ask, “ask in faith without doubting.”
- Why?
- Verse 7, because the man who doubts “will not receive anything from the Lord.”
Why? Because in verse 8, he is a “double minded man.”
- You cannot go to God and ask for wisdom and expect to receive it if you have a “divided heart.”
- “God I want your wisdom…but I am going to rely on man’s wisdom too.”
- “Lord, I accept your wisdom in this area and this area….but I think you are wrong in this area.”
- “You know Lord, for the most part, you are pretty wise…but you do not know it all.”
The man who cries for wisdom in a time of trial…who is a double minded individual…who doubts that God’s wisdom is the answer…will receive no wisdom from God.
So, how do you turn your trials or temptations into victory instead of defeat?
- Have the right perspective.
- See it as a test of your faith…and a step in the process of making you complete.
- And in the midst of your trial or temptation…seek for God’s wisdom…
- And completely trust in that which God reveals to you.
If you will do that, notice the results in verse 12:
12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which {the Lord} has promised to those who love Him.

© Sunset Ridge Church of Christ 2025